Rugged Root

Solving the worlds problems one tree at a time!

Farm Updates

“Our Homesteading Journey” Takes on a Fresh New Look!

Our Homesteading Journey has a new webpage and a fresh new look. Join us to find out what we have been up to!

St. Croix Sheep
Sheep on the Pond

Our Homesteading Journey On Hiatus

OHJ went on a 3 (ish) year hiatus. It was a lot of things that just added up and the website and business took a back burner to life. It wasn’t any one thing that caused the hiatus. Between sick family members, our own personal health issues, taking on many new homesteading adventures and just life in general, we had to let a couple things go. Sadly, that meant the website and sharing our homesteading journey adventures. But never fear, we are back!

Our Homesteading Journey

We have changed quite a bit on the farm in the past couple years. We have repaired and built new structures, started and expanded our garden and nursery, moving a kid off of the homestead and also many animals coming and going.

Rugged Root Structures

Rugged Root Sheep Shed
The Old Sheep Shed

We have had to remove a couple structures on the homestead over the past couple years. But I think the most exciting part about the structures is why we needed them repaired or replaced. We have had animals added to the farm. It started with a couple of cows and then we quickly got into the Sheep Game. This caused us to have to open up the old sheep shed. This year we will be doing some repair work on the old building.

The other building we are working on is the greenhouse. It was originally going to be a building for the sheep but we decided to change it into a green house instead. As we grow our nursery and garden, we have found that we have a growing need for a greenhouse. This project will be shared on YouTube later this year so keep an eye out for that!

Our Homesteading Journey Garden and Nursery

MO Native Seedlings
Missouri Native Seedlings

The Rugged Root Nursery is always changing and growing, as well as the garden. As before, the nursery is primarily of Missouri Native Trees and Bushes. This project is always evolving and changing for the better with bigger variety and better quality of Missouri Natives. We plan to have the Rugged Root store up and running in 2022. The annual garden of veggies and flowers will be getting a major face lift this coming year as well. We eventually hope to offer fresh cut flowers and veggies to our local fans.

Rugged Root Garden Archway
New Garden Archway

Samari Levels Up

One of the biggest changes in our homesteading journey was moving our first born out into her own place. Samari moved into a cute little 2 bedroom apartment in the nearby town. Even though she is still close to home, it has been a major change and a lot to get used to, for all of us. We are so proud of her and all she has accomplished in her 19 years on this planet, and we’re excited for her as she embarks on a journey of her own!

Our Homesteading Journey Animals

Hair Sheep on Rugged Root Farm
Hair Sheep

This part of Rugged Root’s journey has been a doozie to say the least. We have had everything from chickens to cows on this farm. But our biggest development in the past few years have been our sheep. We bought our first 2 St. Croix Hair Sheep back in March of 2019. They have been a huge part in our homesteading journey. We have had many ups and downs with them, bunches of learning experiences and tons of growth. We have added a couple of Katahdin sheep to our flock, but we primarily have St. Croix. This part of our journey will be regularly featured on the blog and on the youtube channel.

What’s Next?

Things are going to take a while before the new webpage and YouTube channel are running at full steam. I will be bringing over older blog posts and recipes from OHJ and adding them to this website. We will also be making more videos for YouTube and sharing a weekly video so be sure to follow us here.

It feels so good to be back and we can not wait to share our NEW journey with you!